Now Available Express Nails

Now Available Express Nails

NEW and NOW Available Express Nails. Instant extensions, great for that special Christmas event. Only £25.00 with regular polish or £30.00 with gel polish. Here are a few examples – BOOK early to avoid disappointment.
NEW! age reversal eye complex

NEW! age reversal eye complex

NEW! age reversal eye complex from Dermalogica tougher on fine lines. easier on the eyes. This amazing eye treatment for skin ageing now features sate-of-the-art microsphere technology for unsurpassed age reversal! Pop in to find out more and discover your best eye...
Dermalogica Radiant Skin Event

Dermalogica Radiant Skin Event

Dermalogica Radiant Skin Event Get Your Skin Glowing For The Festive Season Wednesday 23rd November from 5.30 to 7.00 £5.00 ticket cost (redeemable against product purchase) Booking essential Call 01642 786998 or e-mail info@at-theskincompany to book your space today...

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